“Virgin Hair Ladies! Category: Health & Beauty Hello! I still have several bundles left of Virgin Brazilian and Virgin Indian hair! 🙂 Sale is still going on until Christmas!!!Get yours before it’s too late! Email me for inquiries and pricing flyer! Thanks! -Tiny- Price: SALE!!” …Cu siguranta este din categoria NO COMMENT, nu?? Dar se refera doar la mese de par…Of!

Categories: De pe net 0 like

A MESSAGE FROM THE QUEEN To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up ‘revocation’ in the Oxford English Dictionary.) Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth […]

Categories: De pe net 0 like

Scotia. Razboi intre doua cetati. De la prima cetate zboara o ghiulea, din a doua cade o bucata de zid. De la a doua cetate zboara o ghiulea, din prima cade un fronton.. Si tot asa o saptamana intreaga. Deodata se facu tacere. De la prima cetate se aude: – Ei, de ce nu mai trageti? De la a doua cetate se raspunde: – Nu putem, ghiuleaua e la voi!

Categories: Bancuri 0 like

Meci de fotbal decisiv Ungaria – URSS. Joaca ei ce joaca pana castiga ungurii. Hrusciov trimite o telegram la Budapesta: “Ati jucat foarte bine. Stop. Ne-a placut tuturor cum ati jucat. Stop. Suntem mandri de voi. Stop. Credite. Stop. Gaze. Stop.. Grane. Stop.”

Categories: Bancuri 1 likes

– D-le doctor, cum a murit Ion? – Nu stim inca. Tot ce stim este ca la autopsie s-a zbatut mult …

Categories: Bancuri 0 like